Build on time, to your requirements

The Reid Group has over ten years of experience working on commercial and industrial construction projects. During that time, we have refined and improved our process and are committed to adhering to your budget and your schedule. From implementing design build methods for hospital construction projects, to renovating airports to help them better meet traveler demands, to working on large civil engineering infrastructure projects, The Reid Group can handle it all.


Healthcare projects are complex and require clear lines of open communication to be done correctly. Healthcare facility renovations present strong opportunities to provide better care, expand patient services, and improve a hospital's bottom line.


Airport renovations are necessary to meet the demands and needs of travelers. Projects include adding moving walkways, expanding concession and other services, and ensuring airport guests can easily find their way around and have the seating, charging, and other amenities they need.


Industrial construction is a specific type of building that requires expert training and highly experienced workers. We handle construction of nuclear facilities, sewer treatment plants, decontamination centers, and other industrial projects with our own team completely in house.

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